9/11 – Praying For World Peace

Today is September 11. Today the world commemorates the 9/11 terror-bombing that took place in three locations in the United States;  World Trade Center, Shanksville Pennsylvania and the Pentagon.

Terrorism. One word but with such deep and profound meaning. A dictionary can define it at some point, but what it means and why it happens is something that goes way beyond the number of words it is used to describe it. Terrorism did not start nor ended on  9/11. We still hear news about terror attacks in the news or on social media. Terrorists may have certain ideologies that justify what they do; but it does not change the fact that it aims to do is take away lives, mostly of innocent ones.

On our trip to New York, we visited September 11 memorial and this opened up an opportunity for us to talk about terrorism with our children. That very place gave us a glimpse of the massive impact such acts can do. Personally, though the place is solemn, I found a certain heaviness in the air. Despite being on a busy business street, once in the memorial, only the sound of the water flowing through the memorial pools can be heard. Inscribed on the panels surrounding the pool are the names of those who died. As we read some names, I told Heinel, that these people whose names are there are members of a family; a son, daughter, parent, sibling, spouse, husband, wife, a loved one. These people all left their homes that morning without a single idea that somewhere, someone is planning an attack that will eventually end their lives. I can not imagine the pain of loving a loved one that way. Remembering also not only those who died, but also those who got severely injured; physically, mentally and emotionally. They may have survived, but their lives will never be the same.

After visiting September 11 Memorial, we went to St. Patrick’s cathedral to pray. And today, to commemorate this day, may we also spare a few minutes of our time to pray for all the lives lost and affected by all acts of terrorism. May they all be shed light and love. Most of all, let us also pray fervently for peace. Our world needs it.

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