I am a Fulltime Working Mom!

Time check: 1:20am

Yup, it is indeed the wee hours of the morning. I am preparing some home drills for Heinel to prepare him for his upcoming quizzes and improve his cursive writing as well.


I am a working mom. But I also consider myself a full time mom. Confusing? I am a very involved mom.  Even though I have a full time job, I try my hardest to be always (as in 100%) present in kids’ lives. School work, medical appointments, extra curricular activities; I am there. I am present. It is not easy, but it cam be done. And just like any parent, there are certain things I have to give up to have that balance with the choices I made. In my case, sleep is probably the number one in the scoreboard with the things mostly given up.  But you know what, my kids are very much worth it. Just one sweet kiss and hug from my sons, and all the challenges of the day are gone.

I am no superwoman. I can not do all of these without help and support. I am blessed to have the support of my husband and in-laws as I take on a working mom role. I honestly will not know how to deal with everything without them.

Priorities. Setting them properly will be the key in managing multiple roles that we play in life.

It can be done. I did it. So can you!


  1. July 22, 2014 / 10:32 am

    No superwoman. Just a supermom and a superstar to your boys =)

    • kat
      July 22, 2014 / 11:23 am

      Awww… Thanks Vivi!

  2. Marj
    July 22, 2014 / 12:22 pm

    You’re such a wonderful mom, mommy kat! We all try to be the best we can for the people we love most…

    • kat
      July 23, 2014 / 5:02 am

      Thanks Mommy Marj!

  3. July 25, 2014 / 4:19 am

    This is so lovely! So many parents are not present even when they don’t have work to do. Good for you!
    (also – get some sleep!)
    Thanks for linking up with #WeekendBlogHop!

    • kat
      July 25, 2014 / 11:24 pm

      thank you! we all try our best for our children. will try to catch up on that sleep. looking forward to this week’s #WeekendBlogHop!

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